Publishing Packages

Relish the Peace of Mind That Comes from Working with a Proven Publishing Consultant

We'll guide you through the self publishing process—all the way from rough manuscript to best-seller. 

There will be zero hassle. 

Writing Nights embodies the luxury concierge ethos. We do not require authors to overpay for things the author needs, and we actively steer authors away from the expensive snake oil being sold elsewhere. 

Because of our white-hat, industry-best, practices we have a number of verified Amazon #1 bestsellers in our portfolio.

Avoid the irritation of piecing your book out to a multitude of freelancers or companies you'll then have to manage.
Why add Project Manager to the growing number of hats you wear? We also provide our clients custom launch strategies designed to maximize the probability that what you publish will also find itself on the best-seller list.

  • Own 100% of the rights
  • Professionally authored  files compatible with a multitude of printers and marketplaces—Amazon, iTunes and iBooks, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, IngramSparks
  • Sell worldwide on more than 30,000 stores
  • Publish your book faster. You retain total control over the publishing timeline
  • Earn maximum profits

Hi Chad. Merry Christmas. I hope you are helping many people reach their dreams. Thank you for helping me. My book has sold over 4,000 copies. The audiobook will be ready soon. Your advice is working. We made it to # 11 on the best sellers list in Military Families! Thank you!!

Our Service Packages

Publishing Package

  • Book Design
  • Print Formatting
  • eBook Formatting
  • Amazon Listing
  • Book description and key words
  • KDP Optimization
  • Amazon Author page
  • Cover design
  • eBook Cover
  • Print Cover
  • Freshman Marketing Kit
  • AI assisted Proofread-polishWe leverage AI and in house datasets in an att­empt to identify common writing errors.

    Titles and sub­titles in inappro­priate case.

    Iden­tify homo­phone err­ors.

    Iden­tify other com­mon punctua­tion errors, or failure to italicize films, plays, and other freestand­ing works.

  • AI assisted Title Analysis and ResearchWe leverage IBM's Watson, and our in-house datasets to develop titles that are more likely to be searched for.

    Titles that are susceptible to search are more likely to be found and purchased.

    Amazon tells authors not to put keywords that authors are targeting in the list of keywords Amazon solicits from the author during upload, if the keyword is already in the title or subtitle of the book.


    Our AI assisted process attempts to identify keywords that benefit the author, and from which a high performing subtitle can be written.

Publishing Package

  • Book Design
  • Print Formatting
  • eBook Formatting
  • Amazon Listing
  • Cover design
  • eBook Cover
  • Print Cover
  • 3D Social Media Promotion Images

Marketing Kit

  • Cover design
  • Cohesive Art Direction
  • eBook Cover
  • Amazon Banner Design + 4x Banner images
  • Instagram Cover Image
  • Facebook Cover Image
  • Social Media Cover Image
  • 3D Social Media Promotion Images

There is nothing professional about grammatical or typographical errors. Nothing ejects a reader from a book faster than these.   Readers who leave a book because it was substandard rarely return.  And they complain about the poor experience on social media.  

Writing Nights provides the same stellar editing you'd get from a large publishing house, without the inflated fees.

Chad guided, encouraged, assisted and perfected the seemingly insurmountable mission of getting my book BLOWS published. I cannot say enough positive words about him. He was exceptional in every aspect of the process and surpassed my expectations. If you are looking for someone to help get your book published, look no further than Chad Robertson. I hope you don't get tired of me saying how pleased I am... but... I AM STOKED!! Love what you did Chad.
Vern Nicholson, Surgeon, boxer, Author of 
BLOWS—A Memoir

I was looking for someone who could make my first book professional looking. The subject matter and copy was not typical since it was a comedy book. I had certain requirements and needs for it in order for it to be successful comedically.

Chad went beyond what I wanted. He was instrumental in the creation of a book I was proud to publish. His design was way beyond what I had even hoped for.

Chad made sure I did things the right way so no reader could detect my book was self published. He did that and more. As a novice to self publishing I depended on Chad to guide me, and turn my manuscript into a presentable looking book. He also added flourishes that truly add to the books look and tone.

Chad was easy to work with and did all the revisions I asked for, quickly, and was also patient with me as I needed to make some manuscript changes in the beginning.

If you're looking for someone who 100 percent knows their craft, is proud of their work ,and delivers excellence, you should use Chad for your project. I can't say enough great things about his work.

Jeff Parks

Wow. Chad formatted my book for print, Kindle and iTunes. He has delivered over and above my expectations—and I expected a lot. As a first time author, I felt that I was in the hands of someone who though experienced, was still open to learning and growing with me. He is direct and clear about what he can and can't do, and he delivers. He will direct you to resources so you can inform your choices. He won't stop until its just right. You can't ask for much more than that. I have a few more books up my sleeve, and I will happily work with Chad again.

Olubode Shawn Brown, Author of  Bloom, The Essential Journey